Failing Forward

10 years ago

Last time I talked with you about embracing accountability which was the second of the three steps I gave you to…

Embracing Accountability

Last time I talked with you about committing to a lifestyle change not just a season which was the first…

10 years ago

Embracing the Process

Last time I talked with you about just getting started and what your motivation was going to be. This time I want…

11 years ago

What’s your motivation?

As our health plays an important role in our ability to live our dreams I wanted to share a series…

11 years ago

Old dogs and new tricks

 It's 8:45pm on Thursday night and as my family watches TV I'm in my office learning WordPress. Now don't get…

11 years ago

Your Mindset Coach

Mindset is described on Wikipedia as "In decision theory and general systems theory, a mindset is a set of assumptions,…

11 years ago